Solar Energy Partnership Agreement Signed
2. December 2020Solar energy is the focus of a new partnership between the Eberhard Schöck Foundation, Eurosolarrussia and the “Kubenenergo AG Institute for Continuing Education in the Energy Sector" (УДПО "Энергетический институт п овышения квалификации ПАО "Кубаньэнерго"). In December, we will be collaborating with the Moscow Energy Institute (Московский энергетический институт) to offer two seminars for vocational school students and potential solar plant installers titled "Power generation with miniature solar power plants. Solutions, examples and experiences from Germany”. The seminars will be held at the College for Fuel and Energy Ufa in Agidel (Уфимский топливно энергетический колледж (УТЭК)/Агидельский филиал) and the Novotroitsk College of Construction Technology (Новотроицкий строительный техникум).
In addition to addressing energy system transformation, the basics of photovoltaics, components and calculation of a solar system, the project will focus on the joint installation of a 5 kW solar power system. By passing law no. 471 in early 2020, Russia cleared the way for the use of small solar power systems with a capacity of up to 15 kW to generate electricity and set a feed-in compensation of up to 2 RUB/kWh. With these seminars, we aim to demonstrate the potential of generating solar power in Russia and inspire young talents to pursue vocational training in the field.